Stefan Mues

E-Commerce, Digitale Transformation

With 25 years of professional and leadership experience in the fields of E-commerce, Digital Transformation, Direct Marketing/CRM, Mail Order/Retail, and Business Consulting, Stefan Mues combines entrepreneurial thinking, systematic and structured work, and leadership experience in dynamic environments. Due to his entrepreneurial background, after successfully increasing the E-commerce business of Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH to 300 million Euros from 2011 to 2014, he established the E-commerce consultancy elabotatum New Commerce Consulting as managing partner. From 04/15 to 04/17, he served as the Marketing Executive Board Member (CMO) of EM Group AG, responsible for the further development and digital transformation of the leading European B2B multichannel retailer in the field of gastronomy accessories. In April 2018, he was appointed as the Managing Director of Reich Online-Solutions (A Member Of Calida Group) and additionally as the CDO of Calida Group, Sursee (CH) from early 2019 to February 2022. There, he succeeded in nearly tripling the online sales of international brands. In March 2022, he was appointed as the Managing Director of Hessnatur, Europe's first D2C sustainable fashion brand, to structurally align the company for further growth. In addition to his operational activities, Stefan Mues can also boast more than 8 years of experience as a Non-Executive Board Member/Supervisory Board in international companies, currently on behalf of a Swiss Private Equity company at Arena S.p.A. in Tolentino, the international market leader in swimwear.

Worked with

Calida Group

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